Sunday, January 13, 2013

Global Warming

 website for article:

Summary: This article that I read from the New York Times really gave me an update on the global warming issue. The United States is giving off a lot of fossil fuels and so are up and coming countries like India and China. They have resorted to burning an abundance of coal. With these increases in emissions 2012 was the hottest year of all time in the United States. This has people worrying about what their future will be like. Some people are wondering why even though there was a treaty past to try and meet and discuss how they can stop global warming we still see countries not doing anything.

Opinion: I think that we need to find an alternative energy source to take over as our number one provider. If we do not stop the increase in fossil fuel burning who knows what kind of world we will be living in. Also 2012  being the hottest year in the United States is definitely scary to think about. Sooner than later there will be a major disaster if we do not stop now. Finally on point to the treaty, i think that we need to have a sit down with all of the leaders and they can decide the correct path to take. We need to have that conference soon so that we can have a strait plan for the future.


What is your opinion on the current situation on global warming?

Do you think that global warming is important enough at this time?

What should our leaders be doing to fix this problem?



    Here is my link that you should go check out. It has a list of all the causes and everything global warming effects. You may be surprised, but global warming effects much more than you would expect. See how your life differs because of global warming by checking out this link.

  2. 1. What is your opinion on the current situation of global warming?

    I think global warming is getting bad, but it can be saved. With growing populations, if we educate them, we could lower the amount of pollutants we are putting in the air. If we turn toward renewable energy and lower our reliance on coal, we could have the same amount of energy, just cleaner.

    2. Do you think global warming is important enough at this time?

    I do think that it is because this is a crucial period of time in which we need to educate. With more people contributing in China in India we have to start using cleaner energy to stop the problem before it starts. I think that global warming itself isn't terrible yet, but this needs to be high in priority to stop it from getting to terrible.
