Thursday, September 27, 2012

Water Pollution

Water pollution

Water pollution is a large set of adverse effects upon water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater) caused by human activities.
Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, storms, earthquakes etc.
also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological status of water, these are not deemed to be pollution.
Water pollution has many causes and characteristics.
Increases in nutrient loading may lead to eutrophication.
Organic wastes such as sewage and farm waste impose high oxygen demands on the receiving water leading to oxygen depletion with potentially severe impacts on the whole eco-system.
Industries discharge a variety of pollutants in their wastewater including heavy metals, organic toxins, oils, nutrients, and solids.
Discharges can also have thermal effects, especially those from power stations, and these too reduce the available oxygen.
Silt-bearing runoff from many activities including construction sites, forestry and farms can inhibit the penetration of sunlight through the water column restricting photosynthesis and causing blanketing of the lake or river bed which in turns damages the ecology.

      My Summary.......

      Water pollution can be found in lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater. Volcanoes, storm, and earthquakes are not deemed to be or can be polluted.. Run off water can come form forestry and farms which may be  polluted. Organic wates such as seeage and farm watse can have severe impacts on the eco system. Pollution is when grabage, sewage, or any trash is thrown or put into the water. This can also include metal, oil, food, and solids.



What should we do to prevent water pollution?



    This video explains all the different causes of water pollution and what to do to help it. There are many kinds of water pollution so we need to know about all of them. Take the oil spill in the gulf for instance. That is one of the events that should turn people around and say we need to do something about this. This gave me a better perspective on the whole situation.

  2. I believe that our water pollution has to stop now. If we keep polluting our water with "Industry discharge", we could contaminate all of our groundwater, giving us a very limited supply of drinking water. Also, the pollution is bad for our environment. If we keep polluting our oceans, lakes,and rivers, it will decrease the biodiversity within these regions which will negatively impact humans in many ways such as; less food variance, we won't be able to derive medicine, and even something as simple as aesthetics. Our water cycle doesn't withdraw the contamination in our groundwater, so we need to stop before we contaminate too much, with some already being contaminated by storms, volcanoes, and, earthquakes. At home it may seem that the water is infinite, but with the population hitting seven billion, it really is not.

    1. How would you try to stop the contamination of water?
    2. How could water contamination negatively affect humans?
    3. What does water contamination have to do with the water cycle and why?

  3. i think that a way to help stop water polution would be to restrict the amount of polutants that factories can dump into the water and for them to try to figure out ways to recycle the bi-products of their factories or to figure out ways to reduce the amount of polutants created. also, another way could be for biologists, microbiologists, and others in that field to try to cross breed plants and/or algea to eat/break down/destroy polutants.
