Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Atmospheric Aerosol Climate Caution

ScienceDaily (Oct. 1, 2012) — Carbon dioxide is                not the only problem we must address if we are to understand and solve the problem of climate change. According to research published this month in the International Journal of Global Warming, we as yet do not understand adequately the role played by aerosols, clouds and their interaction and must take related processes into account before considering any large-scale geo-engineering.

There are 10 to the power of 40 molecules of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Those carbon dioxide molecules absorb and emit radiation mainly in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum and their presence is what helps keep our planet at the relatively balmy temperatures we enjoy today.
Too few absorbing molecules and the greenhouse effect wanes and we would experience the kind of global cooling that would convert the whole planet into a lifeless, ice-encrusted rock floating in its orbit. Conversely, however, rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide lead to a rise in temperature. It is this issue that has given rise to the problem of anthropogenic climate change. Humanity has burned increasing amounts of fossil fuels since the dawn of the industrial revolution, releasing the locked in carbon stores from those ancient into the atmosphere boosting the number of carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere.
However, these rising carbon dioxide levels do not complete the picture of climate change, scientists must also take into account tiny particles in the atmosphere, aerosols, made up of condensing vapours, soot, and dust. There is certainly no doubt that these species affect how much solar energy is reflected from Earth's surface and how much is trapped. According to Jost Heintzenberg of the Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research, in Leipzig, Germany, the number of aerosol particles is a mere 10 to the 26. Of course, the weight we lend to a single carbon dioxide molecule compared to an aerosol particle, which might contain many more than a single molecule is a moot point.
Nevertheless, Heintzenberg sees a conundrum in how to understand atmospheric aerosols and how they affect cloud formation and ultimately influence climate. There are multiple feedback loops to consider as well as the effect of climate forcing due to rising carbon dioxide levels on these species and vice versa. "The key role of aerosols and clouds in anthropogenic climate change make the high uncertainties related to them even more painful," says Heintzenberg. It is crucial that we understand their effects. Geo-engineers are considering projects on an enormous scale that might one day be used to manipulate levels of atmospheric aerosols and influence cloud formation in order to cool our planet. Such efforts while seeming fanciful today might eventually allow us to influence, if not take control of, the climate to some extent. If the models fail us in terms of aerosols and clouds then such manipulations might cause more problems than they fix.
"Before considering such remedies the aerosol-cloud-climate conundrum needs to be reduced to a level of uncertainty that is comparable to those related to anthropogenic greenhouse gases," explains Heintzenberg. "Considering the complexity of the aerosol-cloud system the challenge will be to identify the necessary essential knowledge and differentiate that from marginal details and focus research efforts on these essentials in order to simplify the complex aerosol-cloud system without losing indispensable features," he says.
Jost Heintzenberg. The aerosol-cloud-climate conundrumInt. J. Global Warming, 2012, 4, 219-241


Summary: People have been burning millions of fossil fuels for a long time but that isn't the only thing that is causing global warming. From soot and mineral dust going in the air aerosol goes into the atmosphere. When the sun tries to shine down on the earth the aerosols just reflect it back into space. This can cause a raise in temperature in the atmosphere which gets trapped in there. This causes an increase in temperature which is what global warming is. I think that aerosols are a main cause of global warming and if we can bring those levels down then maybe we can help the cause. It might be easier to stop this than burning fossil fuels.

What do you think we should do about the aerosol in the atmosphere?
What do you think it the main cause of aerosols in the atmosphere?
What do you think is easier to stop the aerosols in the air or the burning of fossil fuels?


  1. you forgot to ask quetions and because of that i can't do my part, which is to answer this posts questions.

  2. Aerosol has been naturally occuring on earth ever since it was created but human activities like burning of fossil fules (especially on such a large level) have been relatively new to Earth. I think that we should not focus on the aerosol but instead on stoping the burning of fossil fules at least to some extent, because they seem to be the main contributing factor to global warming.

  3. I invited Dr. Macke, the head of the Leibiniz Institute for tropospheric research. I though Dr. MAcke was a good choice because she has a doctorate degree and is also a professor. Also, her institute was mentioned in the article. Finally, I wanted to invite someone that in someway was related to the article to see if the two experts opinions differ. Here is the email I sent her.

    Dear Dr. Macke,

    My ninth grade environmental science class is responding to an article in a blog of ours in which we talk about global warming and how aerosols affect our atmosphere and climate. We would like to have an expert opinion on this topic, an would be honored if you could contribute to our blog. In the article we are responding to Jost Heintzenberg from your institutes opinion is given, and I would like to know if all experts agree on this topic. If you do not have the time it is okay, but we would really appreciate if you could contribute. Thank you.

    Sean Rich- 9th grade environmental science

  4. I believe that the problem of aerosol emmisions is very real and that we should find alternate ways to get things like spray paint or hair spray. The path to a greener, cooler future is to ween our population off of these pollutants and educate people about the issue

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWPgzlEDp8k

    I picked this video because it discuses the aersol in the air and the impacts of it on earth. I thought it would be a good choice because it really gives a good description about this article. You should go watch this video, it is very intriuging and interesting.

  6. I think that it would be easier to stop the burning of fossil fuels than the aerosols in the air because we could make new methods of power that are greener and possibly more efficiant such as solar power from solar pannels than to stop the naturally occuring aerosols.

    Also, i think that the main cause of aerosols in the air comes from the erosion and weathering of rocks and other particles to the point they are light enough to stay in the atmosphere.
